A Christian Retreat Ministry
for Women

It is our hearts' desire and purpose with each retreat to join God in His work
of ministry to women, whom He cares for and knows by name,
so that they will be equipped to make His name famous in their daily lives.

W I N G S RETREAT - our name is our mission:
Retreats that teach Women IN God's Scriptures!

The heart of this retreat ministry is transforming lives through the Word of God!

"Be transformed by the renewing of your mind." Romans 12:2

The experience at each weekend retreat is one that is spiritually focused with Biblical teaching
allowing a fresh encounter with God, while creating many opportunities to connect with other women
through fellowship, prayer and worship in a relaxed atmosphere.

Reserve the date for the 7th annual

Wings Retreat for Christian Women:

April 10-12, 2015!

"She who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of His wings."

Psalm 91:1

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