WINGS Retreat 2010  -   April 23-25, 2010 at Ridgecrest Conference Center

COMFORT & JOY for your Soul

Speaker - Phyllis Elvington
Worship Leader - Anne Jernigan

What a wonderful Retreat!  Our group might have been a little smaller, but that just made for a more intimate experience.  We were able to personally interact more with Phyllis as well as each other.  This retreat stands out from all the others by the responses the ladies made to living the sweet life as God intended with comfort and joy by their commitments made on Sunday for the coming year. 

also see the PHOTO ALBUM for more pictures...more coming soon.

A few highlights of the weekend and comments made by those that attended!

WE HEARD YOU LOUD AND CLEAR....have Phyllis back, have Phyllis back.....was echoed on almost every evaluation form!   She will be back for next year's retreat along with Anne Jernigan who will once again lead our Worship!   The Dynamic Duo!!!

"Phyllis Elvington absolutely was an effective teacher of the Bible and she was an excellent model of what a Godly woman should be."     

"The prayer time on Saturday afternoon was meaningful to me with hearing all the voices raised in prayer which was like a sweet aroma being sent up to God."

"I loved it, it was awesome and life changing."

"This retreat was awesome. To be with other women who love the Lord was priceless. The Word of God being taught was exactly what I needed. Thank you, thank you."

"Worship music and leader were awesome.  Anne added to the delight and fun of the retreat."

"Our prayer time together was very special."

"Phyllis' teaching is very practical and she makes God's Word easy to apply to my life."

"Loved small group time." 

"I learned how to have a more effective prayer time."

My favorite question....
What was the most important thing you learned that you will take home from the retreat?
  • need to spend more time in my Bible
  • spend more time in study and prayer
  • slow down and take more quiet time with the Lord
  • more consistent time with the Lord
  • challenged to learn more about the Bible
  • to give thanks to God for everything
  • seek how God wants me to serve
  • listen to the Holy Spirit's direction
  • importance of having a prayer partner
  • memorize scripture
  • taking home the prayer experience to share with my church
  • develop my heart sister group to become a prayer warrior group
  • how to find joy in all my circumstances because of Jesus
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