
WINGS Retreat 2012

 April 13-15, 2012


Knowing His peace and having His peace rule in our hearts day by day is one of the greatest blessings Jesus can give us.  The peace that He gives us is not dependent upon the circumstances in our days but comes as a result of His life in us.  God is sovereign over every aspect of our lives and is able to replace worry, anxiety, and restlessness with abundant living through the power of His presence.  How exciting our retreat time together will be as Barbara Braswell helps us discover that we are POSITIONED FOR GOD'S BLESSING THROUGH PRAYER!  Come for a blessed weekend which will take us on a journey of experiencing the greatness of our God, who delights in blessing His children when they pray.   We invite you to come and bring your girlfriends and heart sisters! The schedule for the weekend will offer "retreat" opportunities --- a place affording peace and quiet!

"Draw near to Me and My presence will envelop you in love."
Psalm 116: 6&7 NIV

2012 Speaker     (2012 Photos coming soon)

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